Saturday, September 01, 2007

Ohtel --- Part 2

2 Design experiment of the health centre “Ohtel” for osteoarthritis

“Ohtel” is a health centre providing total solution for recovering from different levels of osteoarthritis. The design experiment of the Ohtel is realized in the scale of city (1/500), building (1/200), and patient’s living area (1/50).

.1 In the scale of city (1/500) --- Integrate with surroundings

In the scale of city, first of all, I focus on how the functional setting in the building corresponds to the surroundings. The functions related to the user groups are further categorized into 4 groups: functions for patients, potential patients, all users, and personnel. The functions for all users and potential patients are placed close to the famous Witte de Withstraat to respond to the diversity of the activities in that area. Therefore restaurant, fitness centre, and acupuncture clinic are all facing on west side of the building to create attraction in order to extend the vividness of the Wit de Withstraat. The attraction is further addressed by the building mass. A specially designed green space at the corner of the building is eye-catching object to attract people. The main entrance of this building is located right under this green space. The functions for personnel such as offices, the parking of ambulance, and the entrance for staff are all placed besides the main street on the side of the eye hospital. Just like a real hotel, the entrance for guest and that for staff are totally separated.

.2 In the scale of building (1/200) --- Design according to the requirement of rehabilitation

- Design according to the requirement of rehabilitation

In order to realize the concept of “Focused factory”, floor plan is designed according to the requirements of the 3 different phases of rehabilitation. The first phase of rehabilitation is to regain the range of motion, and then in the second phase patients can use stair steps and pool for exercising. The last phase of rehabilitation is to increase mobility, speed, and comfort.

In the first week, patient needs to stay at bed, in the room or its adjacent collective space to do the exercise of the first phase because the range of motion is still not enough for them to walk for a long distance. In this case, the patient’s rooms and their adjacent atrium or corridor are used for the activities of rehabilitation in the first phase such as range of motion and the stretching exercise. These spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floor are the starting point for the development of floor plan.

The second phase of the rehabilitation happens normally in the second week because patient has already regained some ability to walk. Now they can use the stair steps to train their knee and muscle to bear body weight. In the second week while the scar has closed up, patients can also start to do exercise in the pool because doing exercise in the water brings less impact on the joints. These spaces designed for the rehabilitation in the 2nd phase are not placed directly adjacent to the rooms. The stair steps are integrated with the ramps between floors. These spaces with ramps are a little bit far from the patient’s room in order to set a challenge for the patients. If patient can reach these ramps, they are qualified to do the exercises in the second phase. The pool is on the 4th floor (top floor) to get more exposure of daylight and use its water to make the top floor become a beautiful green house with the daylight from the big glass roof and the greenery in the roof garden. Patients can access to the pool via the ramps or elevator.

In the third week, the knee is starting to work like it used to be. But normally the patients still can’t walk without assistive device. For the rehabilitation in this phase, the patients need to do exercise to regain the balance and strength. Patients can start to walk without walker or crutches only when their leg and knee are capable to support body weight. That’s why I put the stationery cycle in the physical therapy room on the ground floor to force people to walk for longer distance. At same time, the patients can also try to reach restaurant and shop on the ground floor and the roof garden by themselves. They can reach those spaces via ramps or they can choose to walk partially on the ramp and then take elevator to the destination. Also, the patient who can do the exercise in this phase is capable of reaching all the floors in this care hotel. That means they can use all space in the building for the exercise they need to do.

- “The Street”

All the spaces of the 3 phases are connected by a circulation system called “The Street”. It is a combination of corridor, ramp, and collective space. This street doesn’t only provide connectivity, but it also offers places for the patients to do different phases of exercise for rehabilitation. The Street can also be seen as a sequence of different spaces with diverse spatial qualities. This offers the changing spatial experience, so that people won’t be bored when they walk through these spaces. The diversity of spatial quality is created by different use of daylight, green, material and dimension of space. Also, the street connects the space from the very public space such as foyer to the very private space like patient’s room.

- Freedom of choosing spot to do exercise

Most exercises for post-operational rehabilitation can be done without the help of apparatus. The rehabilitation which needs apparatus will be performed in the physiotherapy room on the ground floor. That’s why most of time patient has freedom to choose the spot for exercising. Most exercises in all 3 phase of rehabilitation can be performed by using fixed objects like furniture and handrails on the wall.

.3 In the scale of patient’s living area (1/50) --- “The Living Group”

The Living Group contains 2 or 3 single-bed rooms and a communal space with kitchen and a small living room. It can bring privacy and social support for the patients at the same time. Privacy is provided by the single-bed room with bathroom, and social support happens in the communal space where creates opportunity for roommates to meet each other. The single-bed room is about 30 m² to provide more space for the physiotherapist and apparatus such as CPM machine
[1] in the first phase of rehabilitation. The bigger room also provides more space for the family and visitors to enhance the emotional or social support for patient. The Living Group also connects with the green and collective space outside where they can do exercise for rehabilitation.

[1] The full name of CPM is Continuous Passive Motion. CPM machine helps patient to move their knees just hours after surgery. This can break the psychological barrier which causes fear of knee motion after surgery.


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